Sunday, May 24, 2009

exam itu lumrah hidup

great sayings;

"to study the phenomenon of disease without books is to sail an uncharted sea,
while to study books without patients is not to go to sea at all"

sir william oslet,1849-1919
prof of medicine,oxford,uk

"trailing eagerly behind the surgeon,the student is admonished never to forget alcohol withdrawals a cause of post operative confusion.The scrap of paper on which this is written spends a month in the white pocket before being lost for ever in the laundry.."

Murray Longmore
writer of OHCM

"lion's heart,eagle's eyes,lady's hand = good surgeon"

Dr Kamal Bani Hani,Dean of Medicine,JUST

"Ko berpegang pada tomooh (yakni nota students) gerenti naik tahun"

Marwan Hadiid N.


awe said...

tapi kali ni Rui'a bang....aku tak brape nak percaya..hmmm

kher said...

alah awe scorer.
sepak kang!

good luck Abang Mar.
go go Abg Mar. Yeah!!!!

majdi akhili said...

nak sepak awe jgak!!!