everybody need their source of motivation or strength to go on with their life.so do i.somebody found it with their friends,family (mcm promotion digi plak).but in my case,where i also found it from both,i suppose we should also find it found our own environment.
1- syeikh ibrahim, nigerian,pursuing master in ....... (taktau) at yarmouk university.never found him w/o holding a book.they said he himself already al hafiz since young and memorized the sahih bukhari/muslim also around 8 years old.always meet him at the yarmouk uni mosque,so mesmerized by him reading a book after prayer (everytime after finished praying..everytime ok!)
2- pakcik yg jual alatan2 pencukur.kesian tgk pakcik ni.die dah tue.bongkok.tp sanggup angkat berat2,jalan dari satu kedai ke satu kedai,tanye nak beli mesin pencukur / shaver x.pastu slalu solat kat masjid,letak kotak2 die kat tepi.sedih tgk die ni,bersusah payah,hatta umur sudah agak lanjut.tp kite yg masih muda2 ni,masih main2,xnak sungguh2.
3- kids scavengers.theres alot in jordan.always to be seen around the evening,with their older bros and their ....... (ape ek namenye troli yg kale ijau tu?lupe daa).when asked,they said their parents cannot afford the school fees, or they need to work because their family are poor.
4- tengok member2 rajin stadi,rajin gi masjid,rajin stadi,rajin gi masjid,?? rajin baca buku arab,rajin dan rajin..
semoga motivasi untuk menjadi lebih baik tross ade
semoga dapat score dalam ugs,cns1,cns2
namenye adelah wheelbarrow ye kawan2
motivation is abstract
some are born with motivation imprinted on their very hearts, they need not outer sources hence the term inborn whilst others need ones i must insist
life per se is the greatest teacher, and the greatest motivator, it teaches and motivates oneself via various hurdles and challenges, get a strong grip and hold tight along the journey of your life and that's the key of a blessed life
me myself, im not self motivated, far away from self-actualization, i do things i do best, no rules and no pressure remain as the basis yet it's kinda risky, a high risk one. tried changing but to no avail lol.
and after reading this very post, i must say that my current resolution is to view the world from different perspectives and dek wan's gonna be my motivation as well my motivator
pergh..nicely said.i must say that i'm very impressed with abg faez's words.(yet his BM is still not still convincing enaf)
nak tere bi mcm abg faez yakni sumber motivasiku dalam bahasa inggeris dan arab dan medic
jgn menjadikanku sumber motivasi dlm medic
karena aku telah fail
jgn menjadikanku sumber motivasi dlm arabic
karena aku tidak masih tidak mampu memahami penuh kata2 pesakit badwi
jangan menjadikanku sumber motivasi dalam english
karena aku masih tidak punyai vocab yang cukup
namun cukup :
Allah sebagai tempat bermohon
nabi muhammad sebagai idola
al-quran panduan
hidup sebagai motivasi
long time no see ... izayyak? (jordan gune ni gak ke?)
satu hari nanti nk dtg jordan gak ... tunggu k ..
mane ade org yg perfect abg faiz.mayb kadang2 kite xnak org tiru/idolize kite,tp somehow kite xle nak elak fakta bahawa,nak ke tahun 6 medic bukan senang,nak cakap arab sefluent abg bukan senang,nak menaip ayat2 english yg mantap pon bukanlaa senang..
hehe.lame xjumpe basyir.pekaba?sehat?kat sini xgune tu.gune yg biase2 jek.datang la jordan,nnt ade kapet merah dan org yg sambut basyir setibanya di bumi joden nnt.huehue (kapet epot dan pegawai imegresen)
kalo gitu nampaknya takde cara lain dah
dek wan bakal menjadi sumber
motivasiku dan inspirasiku sebelum lena yang panjang itu tiba
keputusan muktamad
sekian daripadaku yang sedang minum air 2 botol besar lambang kecewa tak salji
just dropping by to say salam n elo dekwan yg dah modern lantaran berblog2
abg syabi sile study lambang da nak exam sempat lagi men tenet pukul karang baru tau! [dalam satu nafas.. fuh~]
ha ah canggih.bukan mcm org tu,dahla xnak sharing the simpsons s18,pakse org dwld s19 lak tu.hehe
madtaq yg berlari 4x400 dgn hepi huahua
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